Saturday 13 June 2015


Hi guys!

We try to keep our updates as regular as possible (send fics, send fics! ;)) but we've found that we could do with a little help. And we're hoping to get that help from you, reading this right now.

We're looking for a script-checker.

What is it a script-checker does?
Simple, really. They check the scripted stories for any scripting mistakes that might have crept into the story along the way. Unscripted eye-color, a name written in all caps, the name of one of the lifer's parents for instance. We want to get the stories out as perfect as possible but things like that easily slip through.

Still interested? Here's what we'd expect of you:
* You're over 18 (what, with some of them saucy stories we host and all ;)).
* Your English is reasonably well.
* You don't mind reading the story with all the details wrong. If Shane is your fave but he's also the original lifer in the story that would mean you need to read the story with another lifer. Same goes for eyecolor and such. You'd be given a list of the original things so you know what not to use.
* You have the time to read the stories and send feedback.

What you'd get out of it?
* The chance to read the stories first.
* Your name listed with the staff on the site.
* Our forever gratitude.

If you're interested, drop us an email; and we'll get back to you asap.


Neverland Staff


kaz said...

Hmmmm... this sounds interesting! :)

I'll have a think, as i said elsewhere, I've got a bit of a busy time coming up, but I'm sure I could find SOME time for reading? lol


Monique said...

Haha, thanks Kaz ;) I'll always know how to find you anyways!

kaz said...

Haha absolutely! :) x