Saturday, 20 March 2010


Version: XXV

Click HERE to get your Challenge and remember, you can only ask twice in a row for a challenge. More requests will not be answered:


Every few months there will be a new theme for a fiction challenge.
To get your challenge you can choose numbers which correspond to what you must include in your story, for example which Lifer has to be the main character or which song or quote you have to use in your fiction.
It is part of the challenge to write a story with and about the items you have chosen, which makes your story not completely interactive, but Lifer Original or Original. The girls' names, looks etc. can be scripted if it is wanted (that would make your story an Lifer Original one), or there is no scripting at all (that would make it Original).

With every new theme the numbers which correspond to the Lifers or the quotes etc. will change.

After you have chosen your numbers in the form above and submitted them, you will get a reply on your e-mail with the respective choices, so that you can start to write right away.

Remember, you can only ask twice in a row for a challenge. More requests will not be answered!

When you have finished your story, please don't forget to give us the usual information, such as the main characters, the teaser etc. (same drill as with any other story).

Apart from the theme of the challenge and the respective items you have gotten with chosing your numbers there are no restrictions to your story. You can write the amount you want, with any genre or any rating you like - that's all up to you.

Although the theme and option of the challenge will change every few months it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be finished with your story as soon as there is a new challenge. It is no problem to send it in a month (or even a couple of months) later; in this case please don't forget to write in the e-mail's subject to which challenge (I,II,II...) it belongs.
Extra note: If a challenge's theme is to write a song fic, the song or at least some phrases of the song must be included within the story.

If there are any more questions, please e-mail us and just ask! :)
Now have a lot of fun while writing, and good luck!!!

PS: When you receive your challenge from us, please reply to the e-mail to let us know you got it, alright? Thanks.
Click here to check the options for past challenges on the Forum, and maybe inspire yourself to write a new one. Only, when you send it, do not forget to mention from which challenge it is and which items you have picked.

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