Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Some Westlife-Talk please!

Hey you guys!
I have a massive problem with an idea I had for a new fic: Since I am at the moment participating in the C&R again, I wrote a little starter. Now I had an idea to turn this starter into a timetravel-fic and I would really appreciate some help with the band. Turns out I really have no knowledge about westlife whatsoever :)

So please check the forum, I have a list of questions, maybe you guys can help me to get some westlife-past/youth done more accurately for you...

Noa's questions on the lads' old days


Knox said...

Time travel flics are so boring

Neverland said...

wow, Knox, now that is really helpful.
If you have ideas or fics you are more than welcome to share them

Knox said...

I no when I've spoke to others they all love the happy endings an stuff that relates to today the all complain about sad endings too

Knox said...

And as another thought there are so many fics on here that are lifer related only why don't u turn them in to fics were u can put ur own lifer in coz I no a lot of people don't read the fics when they are lifer related

Knox said...

I've also spoke to a few people on Twitter an Facebook who love a story were it begins with u an the lifer are good friends and end up together. If I could write I would but I'm useless at writing stories

Knox said...

Monica kez kara Bex ana seriously more fics please yours stories are far from boring an everyone loves them

Ana said...

Knox. I notice you made the same comments on another site in the same rude way. I have spoken to a lot of different types of people on facebook and they don't seem to agree with you. If you look in any fiction section of a library or bookstore the stories are all different. Yes there are a lot of books with sad endings that does not imply the reader / writer is a sick or sad person. Lifer related can be more specific about that lifer which you can't in a general one.

Knox said...

Ana I don't bullshit or lie people I've spoke to say they won't bother with unhappy endings I'm only trying to help there's been no knew fix since August so maybe if there was a happy ending maybe people wud be happy to write on this site as for me bein rude on other sites it's not me so who ever it is is using my name but i ain't done it all a I'm sayin is it's a FANTASY FIC who fantisizes about death an heartbreak???? SERIOUSLY

Knox said...

Omg just checked people have been using my name seriously grow a pair of balls an say what you think and don't hide behind my name ridiculous people might think I'm harsh but I'm honest an say what myself and other people really say not just say I like something coz I don't wanna upset someone guarantee never land puts up 3 happy end story's in a row you will have loads sending the stories in try it out

Monique said...

The thing is though, our writers are entitled to write whatever they like. We've always encouraged anyone to send in their stories, no matter the storyline. I love a good happy ending myself, which doesn't mean I won't enjoy a heartbreak story ever once in a while. Others might prefer the heartbreak and hurl at a predictable happy ending or whatever. We're all different people and will all like different things. Both writers and readers. That's why we accept everything sent our way and put it up for you guys. We try to be upfront with telling the genre of the story, that way you can always avoid the ones you don't like. We don't like to spoil too much though so you're bound to come across stories that you don't fancy. Better luck next time I guess.

If anyone out there thinks they can't send their story our way coz we only accept heartbreak stories then I'm really sorry to hear that. Don't hestitate no more, we're welcome to share any Westlife related story you have written.

I for one would love to see more stories here. I'm crazy busy at this point in life but the moment someone shares a story with us (do email!) I'll do everything I can to put it out there asap. There's still a steady flow of followers every day even if they don't always speak up so your story will be read, I can guarantuee that much.

Also, Knox, I'm sorry to hear someone has been abusing your name... :/

Knox said...

Monique people have been using my name on sites I don't even go on but what they have said and I 100% agree is your a great writer an we all need fics like u do I ain't being horrible when I say it I'm being truthful try the happy ending fics an see what response u get to the unhappy fics ull see the difference in comments try it out if I'm wrong I'll hold my hands up but try it an see

Knox said...

Ive only been voicing my opinion saying what people on Twitter have been saying I've always been one for a great doc an monique is a fantastic writer but as she said good comes with bad an I voiced the bad an no one liked it even tho a lot said different the pipe down now good luck with future fics neverland on future fics just thought I'd be honest but I was an look I get people like different things just try a few happy ending fics an then see how the comments roll in

kaz said...

I, for one, will read anything. ANYTHING. And if it's well written, I'll generally enjoy it, happy, sad, somewhere in between. Strangers meeting. Friends falling for each other. Who cares, if it's good, it's good.

Knox, how about you get these people on Twitter and where ever to send in their stories or their story ideas. I'd love to read what they have! As I said, I'll read anything, I'm a bit of a big reader :)

In other news, I'm going to try and get some juices flowing and aim to get something up here this year. If it doesn't suck, ha! So, we'll see.

How are the C&R stories going? Are they still happening? xxx