Monday 15 June 2015

Crossroads and Roundabouts & Fiction Contest

Hi guys,

As you all know, we're always looking for new stories and ways to challenge you all to write.

Back in the day there used to be at least one Fiction Contest a year. There was a set theme which had to play a role in your story but other than that you were free to write whatever. There was about 4 months to get the story written, then all the stories would be scripted and posted to the site for everyone to judge. The winner got featured in the sidebar and got to pick a new theme.
We would love to bring this back. Since it's been so long since the last contest, we're going to let you guys pick the theme. Have an idea? Post it in the comment-section below and we'll make a poll with the suggestions. Suggestions can be made till 21/6, then a poll will go up so that we can start the new season at the beginning of July.

Another favorite of ours was the Crossroads and Roundabouts. In this challenge you write on not one, not two but on four stories! But you won't be doing it alone, you'll get help from others willing to join in on the challenge.
All the stories will consist of four parts: beginning, middle part 1 and 2 and the end. You'll start with the beginning on fic 1, then you'll write middle part 1 on fic 2, middle part 2 on fic 3 and the end of fic 4.

If you want in on this challenge, drop us an email at putting Crossroads and Roundabouts as a subject.
But! Think before joining in. If you want in, you're in for the long run, meaning;
* You're able to write a minimum of 5-10 pages a month, four times.
* Your English is well enough for other participants to work with. They will be finishing what you've started after all.

Signing up for C&R starts now and is open till june 27. If there's enough participants by then, you'll be sent any info you might require before july 1st, the official starting date.
You'll be expected to send your part 3 days before the end of the month at the latest so that everyone can be sent their next part to work on before the new month begins.

Any questions can be put in the comment section below or on email of course.

We hope you're just as excited about these challenges as we are and hope you'll join in!

Neverland Staff


Kara said...

I love this idea... however, I do not write 5-10 pages as you guys all know very well. *sigh*

Neverland said...

That's why we put a 'minimum of 5-10 pages'. No-one would object to 50-100 pages :p haha

Noa said...

I am in and hope for many people to join!!!

Kara said...

Ok, since I was freaking out about condensing a monster fic in 5-10 pages (I was still half asleep when I read the post) and it turns out I was wrong, then I'm game.

If I may suggest something I love, love, love... REVENGE stories. Like the lifer or the girl is looking for revenge and then there is a misunderstanding and really the other person is innocent... I love those stories.

kaz said...

I would love to be a part of this but I have a hectic three months coming up, I don't feel like I could commit to it fully. :/ dammit. I think it would be the perfect way to get back into more writing. WAAAAAAAAAAH!

Maybe next time for me, but if you want a "non contributing to the writing reader" at all.... *raises hand* LOL

I can't wait to see what all the creative minds here come up with!! EXCITING TIMES!! xxx

Monique said...

So far we have Revenge and Timetravelling for suggestions. If anyone wants to add to that, have a go ;)

Such a shame, Kaz! Would have loved to see you join haha

Noa said...

Come on, peeps, some more ideas!
You know you wanna.... ;)