Saturday 14 June 2014

One night is not enough by Claire

We have a new fic for you guys!
Remember One night only?, a fic by Claire? She originally started this story and left us all hanging with an open ending. Then she continued this beauty and... left us all hanging again! There is a sequel to One night only? and it's here now!

Want to re-read the first two parts first? Go here and find both first pieces in the one file. And then come back and have a read in the latest addition.

As for scripting goes, you guys are in luck. It's a longer fic but as I lost my trusted scripting-program with a laptop-crash not long ago, the scripting on this story gave me quite some hassle. Therefor I decided to not cut it up and just put it up in one go (I already had to manually add spaces as for some reason, my new scripting-program swallowed them. Everytime I tried to alter something in the scripting, I had to do this all over again... Ugh! At some point I had enough haha).
I sincerely hope the scripting turned out okay in the end. I think every fic deserves the most perfect scripts and it totally bums me out if I can't bring that.

If you want your story here, drop us an email! We're in need of some new stories to bring to y'all :D

For now, enjoy the new story and leave Claire some love!


Title: One Night Is Not Enough
          sequel to One Night Only?
Author: Claire
Rating: 18+
Genre: R,D,SX
Cast: You, your favourite lifer and some...
Teaser:  They both had a rough day, and drowned their sorrows in Whiskey. They agreed to let it be just the one night, but can they really shut down their feelings or is there something more brewing?


Monique said...

Oh Claire... How I love this! (as if you didn't know that already haha) I'm a sucker for happy endings and those two, they were just meant to end up together. I felt rather sorry for her, no wonder she's holding him off for so long but yay, he won her over in the end! I loved when she got sick and he stuck by her side to take care of her <3

Lovely stuff, can't wait to read more of you! :)

Kazzy Bee said...

Nawwww loved it! Thanks for going to a sequel for us, can't wait to read more of your stories, Claire!

sugarfilan said...

So, I'm just getting ready to read this, but have just finished rereading the first part and have to say how incredibly excited I am for this sequel! *squeeee*

sugarfilan said...

*Squeeeeels* It was every bit as good as I thought it would be! I absolutely loved it. I loved all the build up of emotion!

PatriciaFrens said...

this is an amazing one, thank you for the great story...

Anonymous said...

Shame link no longer works for this story. first 2 parts amazing, would've loved to of read the ending and find out what happens, bit gutted

Anonymous said...

Can you fix this one? I would love to read it