Friday 5 October 2012


Hey peeps,

Bex had a fantastic idea (thanks, Bex!!) and here's our new challenge now:
Halloween 2012!
This is the first challenge where you can choose your favourite lifer freely, because we got so many requests for a challenge, I think about 30, but only 2 of you actually wrote a story, and that is not the way it's supposed to be. If you want to have a challenge, take it as a challenge and only ask for one if you're really willing to write a story.
If you don't want to be constrained by your challenge picks, be creative and write one freely about this theme.

What do you think about making a little Halloween-contest out of it where all of you can vote for your favourite Halloween-story? -> let me know and leave a comment, please!

So, here's the link to get your challenge, have fun peeps and enjoy the weekend!


(P.S.: submission deadline is October, 26th  for Word-files; October 29th for scripted html-files)


Toni said...

sounds like fun... might try it... hahah

beck_willis said...

Hahah I suggested this but I dont even have an get the old thinking cap on

Monique said...

I always ask for challenges coz I really want to write a fic from it. Doesn't mean the fic also gets written. Sometimes, eventhough lovely ideas are handed trough the challenge-pick-thingie, the story still won't come. I know they're probably not intended that way, but comments like that kinda make me not dare to ask for a challenge... :o
I know it can be frustrating for you girls, Noa and Steffi, I know you put a lot of time in the site and you girls know how much I appreciate it but yeah, I just had to get that of my chest.

That being said; I love this challenge idea! Doubt I'll be able to enter though lol Really need to finish other fics first. Can't wait to see what it'll bring though! :)

beck_willis said...

You could postpone the other fics and have a crack at this one? Maybe?

beck_willis said...

Oh and I only just realised there was a selection thingy, I was gonna free style it haha

steffi said...

Monique, you're right, it was a bit harsh maybe, but it's really frustrating. it doesn't only take time to get the ideas for the challenge and also to send it to everyone who asks for one and then it's a waste of time because no one writes one and that's a pity. we don't want to put you under pressure, sometimes you really have no idea what to do about the picked items...
peeps, if you really have no idea what to do about your challenges, send a new request and give us a short info. also, you don't have to use every single thing, if for example the animal or the costume in your challenge doesn't fit in your story, don't use it. It shall inspire you, not put you under pressure and make the writing a troubling procedure. It's supposed be fun! :)

Monique said...

@Bex; It's the liar-challenge one, remember that :p lol Am about to finish it but uuugh... I need to get that one done, it's bugging me, I have the ending in mind but yeah... ugh! If I manage to get it done quick enough I might give this one a try ;)

@Steffi; I know you don't mean it in a bad way, I can see where you're coming from. I know how much time it takes you girls but just wanted to let you know that often for me, and I'm sure for others aswell, it's not meant that way you know. And it's not even the things that keep me from writing either, I usually love them and they're inspiring but it's more time and overall inspiration and the fact that I'm sloooow with my writings (and I admit, I have too many projects on the go :p) lol

beck_willis said...

Oh thats good news cus I really can't think of how to fit the 'Stuff' item into a story, everything else I think I'll be able to work in

beck_willis said...

@Monique Well I hope you manage to get it finished. I wont tell you that I've started this fic cus that would be really mean of me :p

Monique said...

Really very mean :p lol I bet that by now it's well finished :o

I've nearly finished the fic I wanted finished and started on this one aswell. But I won't make any promises. Knowing myself, I won't be able to finish it within 2 weeks haha

beck_willis said...

Hahah actually I stop writing for a bit, trying to work out how I'm fitting the location part in but I sort of know what I'm gonna do. Just need my head cold to go so I can string two thoughts together