Thursday 21 March 2013

Your stories!

Hello everybody,

it's so cool that so many of you write stories and share it with us here on Neverland, and we really like and appreciate it, but ... (there always has to be a but... :))
we are a community and that means that all of us have to work together to keep Neverland as good as it is. You don't have to do special things for the site (although we don't mind creative ideas etc.), only to watch out for your own stories.
Both, Noa and me, are very busy. I hav a full-time job, Noa has a job as well AND a baby to take care of and so our time is rare; too rare to check each single story of yours for grammar or if the script info is complete etc.

So if you send a story, please make sure that
- you send us a complete story in doc., docx. or open office or something similar
- you used punctuation in your story and checked the grammar etc. (word does help you with it)
- you give us the complete and only for your story necessary infos that should be scripted (We'll script most of the things you gave us with the script info, but we need you to double check it!)
-you give us a teaser, a photo (if you want one in your post), the cast, rating and genre.

Please note that you are responsible for your own stories. We don't have time to check everything; this is your task!

It would be perfect if (in case you really don't manage to script your fics yourself) to give us the necessary information like this:

  • Main lifer --- name: Shane / last name: Filan / eyes: hazel / hair: brown
  • Main character --- name: Sara/ last name: Jones/ hair: brown / eyes: green
  • Best Friend --- name: Brooke / pick a husband name, not one of the lifers name: Finn.
  • Pet --- name: Honey / pick a name for a female dog
  • Boyfriend --- name: Andrew
  • Second Lifer --- name: Mark / last name: Feehily / this will also be your best friend fave lifer
  • Third lifer --- name: Nicky / last name: Byrne
  • Last lifer --- name: Kian
Maybe we won't script the dog or the best friend's husband in that case because Finn and Honey and also the ex-boyfriend Andrew do not really have to be scripted.
But if you use a nickname for any script-important person, please let us know, because sometimes it has to be quick and then everybody yells: "There is a Ki/Nick/Shay/Bry somewhere!!!! Waaaa!!!" :) so try and give us all info needed, best like in the example above not too prosaic for us to find the tiniest pieces of info in a long email.

Now that was long :) 
But we hope that it helps you to get your fics-info right and us to script properly.
Steffi and Noa  


Raine Rafael said...

Very helpful reminders!

Unknown said...

Doesn't that look familiar hehe... It's the OCD in me, you know.

One thing I would recommend aspiring writers to do is plan or map up their stories before writing. And by doing so, it will help you gather the scripting information easily.

For example, before writing my fics I sit down and think of the story and kind of 'script' it on a piece of paper. Like Chapter 1 this and that happens, Chapter 2 main lifer and girl meet, etc. And then on the margins I write down names, places and specifics of the characters.
Think about it like a big flow chart.

At the end it just helps me stay focused on the story-line, and it's easier and faster for me to write this way because I can create a situation, dialogues better if I have a starting base.

I'm a super fast typer, so usually what happens is that I leave out words, like it happened with my last fic. I usually edit and re-read my fics several times after they are ready, but it's inevitable that something will slip by.

However, I do advise that you just read your finished fic many times before submitting. You'll find that there is always something to tweak or fix.

Having said all that, I'm thinking about scripting my own fics... I have a lot of time now, and I have started to look into it. Think it might be fun.

Monique said...

^^ What she said! lol For me, it helps to first write it by hand before typing it up. Not having English as my first language means that sometimes I struggle with finding the right words and looking them up kinda stops the creative process of writing for me. So I'll just write and write and then when I'm typing it up, there'll be certain words in Dutch that I'll have to translate when I'm typing. Plus, going over it again and actually having to type it up means I spot quite a lot of errors.

I also re-read and re-read my stories tons of times... Frustrating bit is, you start to overlook things after checking it too often lol Ah well, guess the occasional error isn't too bad.

And noooo, don't start scripting your own stories, Kara!! I'm enjoying that job so very very much! Ha!
Nah, kidding ;) It's fun to do, I can see why you'd want to. If you need tips or helps or a possible script-checker, you know where to find me!

beck_willis said...

I always jott down a few ideas about the story line, I might have a staring idea in my head or an idea and I always try to write a bit of background info on my 'Characters'

I also make brief scripting notes so I know if if mentioned Shane's hazel eyes for example.

I find it helpful to send mine to Monqiue, she's my script checker. A fresh pair of eyes will always spot mistakes that the writer may easily over look because they've read it so often.

Some very helpful tips in here, especially for the scripters

Neverland said...

Reding you comments I am actually thinking about maybe starting a new "The Art of Storywriting" from it :)
I know what you mean, I also have to think the stiry through before I start typing... at least I should because otherwise she ends up with the other guy or someone gets killed and I sit there thinking wtf...? lol
Actually, I will take your comments if you dont mind and create a new post on how to find from idea to story-line and then to a finished fic that makes sense :)

Thanks!!! :)
will not have much time during the next days, kindergarten is on vacation and my brother and his family will pop by and spend the easter holidays with us :) nice stuff, but no writing for me ... :(

Keep writing and share ideas, we are happy about it!!!!

Also: maybe you could already start thinking about some new challenge ideas... just as an aside :)

have a lovely day everyone!!!!