Sunday, 3 March 2013

New Challenge: Pic a Fic...

Hey there, peeps :)

A new week is about to start and it is March already, damn, time ist definitely running!
I will now try and update the Challenge Form for you guys...
This time we got 4 Starters for you, so when you fill out the form to get your challenge, please write "A, B, C, or D" into the little box that says "anything else you wanna say?"
Other than that, you know the drill! Pick your lucky numbers and hopefully you'll get inspired a little :)

We already have an idea for the next challenge this time, but don't feel rushed, you take your time and write, there is no limts and restrictions!
The "Pic a Fic"-challenge is also meant for the younger writers among us and from our point of view it is most probably a good idea for the newcomers and intermediates, because the stuff to pick is not too complex this time.
But we want you to have fun finishing somebody elses fic and maybe warm up for the upcoming and really brain-twisting summer challenge :)

Now get your fics&picks and have fun!!
Cheers, Noa and Steffi


Monique said...

Challenge accepted!
Curious what the numbers will bring me this round! And also curious what fics will come from this! :)

beck_willis said...

Sent mine too!!
Looking forward to seeing what I get

Raine Rafael said...

I'm so excited to see how this will turn out. :)

beck_willis said...

So how does this work? Do we use the fic as the start or can we use it anywhere? Also can we change the names if we want?

Monique said...

I've changed the names already, the story would make no sense at all to me if I didn't.

Vicksta1982 said...

brain twisting? Gee sounds interesting haha. Good luck all who are entering in this challenge

Kara said...

I sent my form too... I've been so busy lately, but I have finished 3 major fics... I will probably send the first one before the end of the week. The other 2 I'm still tweaking and proofing... I'm so excited! Can't wait for you all to read them!!!!
I see I have some new stuff to read as well... *happy dance*
Now a challenge! I feel like I won the lottery here! Doesn't it feel like Christmas? When you pick the numbers, I mean... I was so nervous, wondering what I got. Can't wait to see what I'm going to write about. XD

Neverland said...

Hey girls :) we are glad to see you all happy and excited :)
Challenge is one of my favourites as well. Helps to get inspired sometimes ;)

To the questions: Yes, you may change the main lifer's name and also of course the female protagonists if it makes more sense for the challenge. Use the starter wherever you want, as a start, middle part or even an ending if that makes the best fic from your point of view.

enjoy writing!!

beck_willis said...

When is the deadline for this btw? I've not even thought about it yet :-/