Sunday 11 September 2011

Writing and submitting of stories

Dear Neverlanders,

the last few weeks we received so many new fics from you, which’s a great and fantastic thing. We have so many stories now that it won’t be enough to update just once in a week, so we will have Thursday as an update-day as well and we’re so glad about that, because more stories mean more fun!!
As you can imagine well, keeping the site alive and scripting all of your stories isn’t always an easy task. It takes time, a lot of time, and neither Noa nor I have much of it. Noa has a little baby girl and a job as well, I am terribly busy with my studies since I’ll do my final exams in March next year.
Nevertheless we do our best and we love to do it, because besides the hard work it’s a lot of fun and makes us happy. But we both noticed that there is one thing which takes most of the time and it’s something all of you could help us with: the revising of your stories.
None of us is perfect as English isn’t the mother tongue of most writers here, but we’ll do our best and so should you. We don’t want you to write in a perfect English without any mistakes, that’s not possible, but there are just a few general “rules” (story-writing) that all of you could follow quite easily while writing your stories. Please read them carefully and check your writing on them. We will keep checking your stories for little mistakes as typos and stuff, but if there is too much of it and we got the impression that you didn’t do your task properly to revise it yourself, we’ll send it back to you.
After you have revised your story and want to send it to us, please note these issues about submitting your story. It would help us a lot and save time if you could at least give us the information about your main characters…
Additionally Noa and I had the idea that all of us could comment stories more critically on the style of writing. Not to annihilate authors with that, but to give them the chance to get constructive criticism (if requested), because very often the author doesn’t notice the things on his/her story, which are good or not that good (things as multiple repetitions of a word or a phrase, switching of tenses, boring/exciting plot etc.).
It only should be a chance to improve your writing and can be done by each of you if the author requests it.
Okay, that’s all, if any of you have questions or problems, please contact us!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend and have a good time :)


1 comment:

beck_willis said...

Great idea about the constructive criticism and I'd help out with the scripting if i knew how to do it lol.