Monday 26 April 2010

New Home

Hello everyone, now this is the new home of Neverland Fictions. Everything is the same, only in a blog format, and much simpler. I hope you like the idea.
(do read, it's important)

However, there are things not too good to mention here. As you know, I spent the last couple of months or so working to fix the site, and my idea to make things simpler was using a blog. It took time, but it's done now. I'm working on the site alone, and it's no secret I'm past Westlife and fics about them, which makes it difficult for Neverland. I never wanted to close the site, and I still don't. Out of respect to writers and readers, closing it down could never be an option, as I know myself the effort it takes to write, and the pleasure it is to read when you're into this kind of stories.
Saying that, I must state I can't take care of this site alone, if at all. So help is needed. For scripting, for beta-reading, and mainly to manage the blog. Also, a new server will be needed in the near future. All the stories are still hosted on, but it will expire in December/January - and I won't pay to renew it. So, if anyone knows a free host where we can upload the stories, shout out - it's basically just the fictions and a few extra pages, like the form ones (submitting challenge, author), so it's not heavy at all. Let's solve this thing together, so Neverland can go on for a long time. The Blog is made, so the heavy work is gone as well.

Another important thing is the help with scripting and beta-reading. Your call, people, we can make a team for helpers, share the work that needs to be done. The more people we can gather, less work everyone will have to do. It does take time, but Neverland shall not be your priority. Fan Fiction is supposed to be fun, so let's make it entertainment. 

This is basically all. Give it a shout if you can help somehow, it certainly will be appreciated. 

Amelia W.


Kelly VDM said...

hiya. I def would be up to do the beta reading. My mother language isn't English, but it's my second and I read ff constantly. So if you can use help in that matter, I can help.

I'm still a big Westlife fan :)

Mirelle said...

Thank you, Kelly. Send an email to so we can discuss it properly ;-)

Monique said...

Lousy me... Been meaning to email ya for a long time now but life has been so busy and I always seem to forget to mail when I have a bit time on my hand and remember when I don't *rolls eyes*

But you've done a great great job in setting this up! It looks very pretty and I know a lot of hard work has gone in to it. R-E-S-P-E-C-T for that! ;)

Monique xx

Kelly VDM said...

I've send an email Mirelle:)

Mih said...

No worries Monique, I know how busy you are, so no harm done =]