Sunday, 10 January 2016

The cold times are still out there...

Hey you guys!

We hope that everything is fine with you and that you have started well and healthy into the new year.
Over here in Europe the cold season has finally started and we have talked about the site and the people that are here to read and comment and that sometimes give us a very hard time.

There has not been a lot going on lately beside a long and not very polite discussion about someone who talked to many people and as many people didnt like the site and those people were hoping for more romantic fics and the fics are not romantic enough and some writers are really bad and write sad stuff. Putting it in a nutshell: more romance is required for some of you.

Now we need to ask you a question: What do you (our writers) need to come forward? 
Is it new ideas? Don't you find the time to write? Or is Westlife actually over for you?

We girls from the Staff have been pretty busy but if anyone has a story to share, romantic or not, dont hesitate to share it. We have agreed that every story is welcome here and we hope that comments like the ones we had here a couple of times didn't drive you away.
Like a book, a novel or a short story each of your stories should have highs and lows, that's what keeps a reader. The lifer can't just come home, make a baby and live happily ever after. We need romance as much as heartaches, suspense and tension. If you have a happy end to share, do so. As well as an unhappy ending or some drama.
As you may have realized, we have lables on every fic. Maybe we could add a little "Happy end- lable" for those of you who strictly need a happy ending. Others might be sad because they dont want it spoiled...

But still we have a little preview into the things that are to come for you. These are Neverland's 2016-Plans and we really hope for a few more writers and nice comments:
  • C&R crossroads and roundabouts: We are currently working on four fics with four authors and it is a blast! We can't wait for the finished fics!
  • Contest: The contest is still up and running! We had planned it until October 2015, but we only have one fic in by now so if you still want to participate on the time-travel-storyline, go ahead! We will postpone the submission date for another three months until the end of March 2016.
    So open you laptop and give it a go!
  • Favourite Stories... we had once started talking about favourite stories. Maybe we can persuade some of the writers to tell us which of their own fics is their favourite and why?
    All readers are of course more than welcome to join in, let us know which of neverland's many fics is your favourite and why.
    But! And this is a big but: We dont want people to simply set up a clamour and go into rant against some writer or a story. So be nice and if you have nothing nice to say please have the decency not to insult the others 

Now have a great weekend!
Your Neverland Staff


Kaz said...

Oh I read that comment thread and I was absolutely gob smacked. I've not heard anything like what was being said myself and I was really surprised at how venomous it came across. I love this site and I think pretty much all of the stories here are really great, everyone has different tastes but I honestly believe there is something here for everyone. Please don't take too much of what was said to heart, you're never going to make everyone happy 100% of the time, but it's give and take. What this group is supposedly saying they want, is just them, here's a few ideas for them, write and send in some stories that they enjoy, start a site of their own that's happy ficus only.. Don't just knock and attack without anything constructive to add... In my opinion anyway. Neverland is awesome as is and I happily spend time here when I can!

As for writing, I've been hard pressed for time, I've been lazy, I've been procrastinating and I've been a bit blocked, but all of those are things I'm going to try and get around and hopefully have some stories to send in one day! Can't wait to see what's come out of the c&r challenge, and all the other challenges! 😀😀😀😀

Neverland Staff said...

Hey Kaz, great to hear from you!

Thank your for your comment and the kind things you wrote.

I totally agree, there is something on this site for everyone and we have the lables to make sure that everybody finds his or her taste.
We will continue to post every fic we receive regardless of happy endings, drama or science fiction.

Send in whatever you might wanna read and if you want it to be more specific about one Lifer, there are many scripting programs available for free, you can just download one and script the whole fic to your liking and then send it in.

We can't wait for more fics :)

Monique said...

Kaz, can I just say; You rock!
And you need to stop procrastinating :p Bahaha No, I'm not one to speak, I have written anything in aaaaages and it sucks. I want to get back into it. I need to read new stuff too. Send me goodies, I miss it! ;)

I took a bit of a break, but I need back in the game. So here I am. I'm about to open up one of my stories and do some serious work on it. Let's see how that turns out.
Also, how is the timetravel thing coming a long? Still only the one story, but are there still people out there working on something? If not, perhaps we should declare the one story send in our absolute winner (I've happened to read it, the title won't be in vain!) and think of something new to get juices flowing. If someone out there is still working on something, let us know. I have an idea floating out there still, I might pick it back up if the deadline is put out again.

Also, who's up for a new challenge? It's been some time! I feel like we could do with something new.

Time for me to stop my own procrastinating and get my writing started...

kaz said...

Ah Monique, sorry for the delayed response, I've been useless of late! But no, you rock, and you rock hard.

I've been telling my cat I'm going to either continue one of the few projects I've got going on or start (and finish) something new. He doesn't believe me, he keeps sitting in my lap as soon as I get my laptop out. Although, he has left me alone for an hour now and the total words I've written is sitting at 0. Wooooooooooo! Go me!

I've instead finished reading the two new fics posted here.

Procrastination Central, that's my name :)